sensory landscape

she soft sculpture "untitled united" was dedicated to semi-detectable molecules as C16H26O and C13H22O3. and these molecules intriguing vomeronasal type-1 receptor 1 which is a protein that in humans is encoded by the VN1R1 gene.

wiki: pheromones are chemical signals that elicit specific behavioral responses and physiologic alterations in recipients of the same species. the protein encoded by this gene is similar to pheromone receptors and is primarily localized to the olfactory mucosa. an alternate splice variant of this gene is thought to exist, but its full-length nature has not been determined.

as this show was supposed to take place without explanations and completely rely on the sensory perception and judgment of visitors, then we did not make any special descriptions. the main task was to give visitors the opportunity to feel the influence of these molecules even without a strong aroma ( which can be detected in high concentration).

the design of two columns with a “sleeve” connecting them symbolizes the communication between the molecules, which are related by the property and effect, the aesthetics of the molecules, and the popularity of their use in daily and high perfumes.

artists: peter bahouth, scott houston, steph johnson, arianna khmelniuk / zapah lab, becky shanks, bjørn venø, stephanie soziej, blake weeks.

facilitators: molly maclaren, kyle morais, sam myers, nyle rado, alison wilkinson.

photography: charlie watts.

videography: brandon english.

graphics; kyle morais.

Text by the curator, Birney Robert:

“Art encourages us to undo our understanding of how language works and to experience communication through other senses. Through art we can communicate lasting emotional experiences - we do not have to explain everything in the dominant verbal language form to be understood or heard. Art needs to be at the forefront of society and nurtured as a form of language because of its potential for strong emotional resonance and communication.
Through my research on attention, senses, language, and art; I will create an experience that lasts one evening during the crepuscular hours. This exhibit will have little written information about what the viewer and participant will experience. I want the viewer and participant to feel as “free” as possible and open to the unknown. This exhibit will go beyond verbal language and tap into communicating with other senses in hopes to create attention and presence. The idea behind this project is to transcend the known world of spoken language and written rules and witness a heightened sensory experience. Scent, touch, sound, movement, visuals will tap into the senses beyond the written and spoken word. These bodily sensations will take one out of their head and into their body to pay attention to their movements, their senses, their feelings, the present.
This experience will take place outside the gallery/museum walls and be in a city park in the middle of Atlanta, GA with 8 participating artists; Peter Bahouth, Scott Houston, Stephanie Johnson, Arianna Khmelniuk, Stephanie Koziej, Becky Shanks, Bjørn Venø, and Blake Weeks. Having this exhibit in nature juxtaposed by the city will examine our circadian rhythms and our economy of consumption.“

May 19, 2019, Atlanta GA

zapah lab